Local Church Practice by Baruch Maoz, Erroll Hulse and Others

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  • Local Church Practice by Baruch Maoz, Erroll Hulse and Others
  • Local Church Practice by Baruch Maoz, Erroll Hulse and Others
  • Local Church Practice by Baruch Maoz, Erroll Hulse and Others
  • Local Church Practice by Baruch Maoz, Erroll Hulse and Others
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A very nice, clean copy of the book, "Local Church Practice" by Baruch Maoz, Erroll Hulse and Others.  The Reformed Awakening of the 1960's and 1970's created a demand for practical exposition of the subjects such as baptism, the Lord's table, fellowship, church discipline, missionary work as well as church planting.  This volume has the object showing that the local sanctuary should be attractive in its fabric and spiritually glorious, ideal for the whole family, and should live by all the words of Scripture.  Various pastors of local churches convey how these features should be realized in practice.  190 pages.

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