Revive Me Again deals with twelve vital components in the area of personal revival. It is a call for believers to assume responsibility concerning their own spiritual condition. Revival is not the impartation of something new; it is the revitalization of something old. It is the divine act in which God stirs the ashes of a fire that used to burn. It is the intense heat upon the cold terrain of the soul. Revival is not for the world, or the godless politician, or the vile entertainers, it is for the saved. Therefore, revival can only come when individual believers cry out, “Revive me again.”
The remarkable story of a life transformed! Prison Fellowship founder Colson shares details of his search for meaning while serving as special counsel to President Nixon during the Watergate...
Our nation was founded upon Christian principles and for generations followed the mandates of that established course. Little by little those truths have been forsaken. A "Spirit-empowered, Holy...
On August 3, 1977, in Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan, Dr. Rice preached this sermon to the attending crowd, and to the nation via television. This booklet deals with the topics of how to know you are...
Songs Included:1. You Can Live Again2. I Prayed Through It3. A Lot Out of a Little4. The Father Knew5. Let Them Be Little6. Noah7. Faith in Place8. Treasure9. This is Why10. Love Them While They're...
Using rich and compelling scripture Dr. Shelton Smith presents the vital elements of the Gospel in, Crucified, Risen and Coming Again. The necessity of the cross satisfied the price of sin, while the...