The booklet, "The Key That Unlocks the Door to Heaven & The Judgement Seat of Christ" by Evangelist Frank Duncan. Two great messages Evangelist Frank Duncan on John 3:3, The Key That Unlocks the Door to Heaven and Romans 14:12, The Judgement Seat of Christ. 17 pages.
The Evanglist: his God-given place, work, importance; his critics, his defense, his rewards, his dangers. Are evangelists still in the plan of God for the ministry of the 21st century, or are they...
Saturated with arresting passion, Oliver B. Greene presents six compelling messages. Catch his fire for the Faith as you immerse yourself in this captivating page-turner! Each of these messages are...
A very nice copy of the book, "The 4 Gospel Keys" by Frank P. Mies. A general survey of the four Gospels of the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, in the interest of a harmony of the...
Are you tired of beginning your services with the same choir opener week after week? Evangelistic Choir Openers, Volume 2 by Eric Borruff solves this problem with 10 powerful songs to help your choir...