An Ordinary Town: Extraordinary Neighbors by Jill Osborn

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  • An Ordinary Town: Extraordinary Neighbors by Jill Osborn
  • An Ordinary Town: Extraordinary Neighbors by Jill Osborn
  • An Ordinary Town: Extraordinary Neighbors by Jill Osborn
  • An Ordinary Town: Extraordinary Neighbors by Jill Osborn
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A very unique book in that it is signed by the author and also by the subjects the author has written the book about.  A very nice copy of a very interesting book, "An Ordinary Town: Extraordinary Neighbors" by Jill Osborn.  "Dr. Maya Angelou lives fifteen minutes from this ordinary town. Dr. Gary Chapman, the author of the New York Times bestselling book, "The Five Love Languages," does as well. Both authors give advice in this book. Other neighbors also provide a peek behind their backyard fence and a glimpse into their soul. For example, meet Mike the Miracle Man. Mike had a heart attack on his bathroom floor, received CPR for 60 minutes, and is alive to tell about it. Another neighbor is, Timea Reid. She married because of love at first. Did her marriage flop or thrive? Each neighbor reveals real life in its truest and most raw form-- with lessons from which every single ordinary and extraordinary person can benefit.  153 pages.

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